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Escalade sportive et via ferrata en Valsesia

The climbing walls in the Valsesia satisfy the requirements even for expert athletes; many of they have been created thanks to the effort of local sport-lovers and to the financings from the Pro Loco, the Towns and the Carnival Committees. Among the many possible paths, here are some of the more interesting ones:

Boccioleto – Torre delle Giavine.

A fascinating and imposing tower: beyond the centre of the village, in proximity of the Santa Maria hamlet, turn to the right and follow the road for the Ronchi Fraction. After some hairpin curves, near the group of houses, on the left, there is a sign that indicates the path, reachable in approximately 40 minutes.
Via Esposito: V+, A1, 90 m UIAA scale
Variante Esposito: VI, Ae, 90 m UIAA scale
Parete Nord: A1, A2, 70 m UIAA scale
Spigolo Nord-Est: A1, Ae, 70 m UIAA scale
Via Arancione e Guala: V+, A1, 90 m UIAA scale
Sumo: L1 6b+, L2 6c, L3 bc+, 90 m tutta a spit
Re Bonfanti: L1 5c, L2 6a+, L3 6a, L4 6b+, 90 m
Via Normale: IV+/V 90 UIAA scale
N.B. The paths in UIAA scale are with temporary riveting

Fervento – Falesia Ronco

It is the largest centre in the Val Sermenza, subdivided in four close sections that offer climbing on plates, cliffs and amusing passages on roofs. It is possible to climb all year, except for periods of particularly of rigid or in case of heavy snows.
Going beyond the inhabited centre and the church of Fervento tstart climbing along the steep asphalted narrow road that is on the right until reaching a wooden sign indicating the cliff. From there, in just a few minutes, the convenient path leads to the beginning of the paths.
- Settore dei “Bocciati”:
Riposo Eterno: 7b, 12 m
Pluto: 6a, 12 m
Variante Bruto: 6c, 10 m
Corte Follie: 5b, 14 m
Deborah: 5c, 15 m
Settore “Spigolo Secco”:
Lamberman: 7a, 25 m
Diedro dei Porci: 6b, 25 m
Elettroshock: 6a+, 22 m
Placca del “Gigante”:
Opzione Zero: 7c+? 20 m
Belzebù: L1 6a, L2 6b, 35 m
Kiki Riaquele: 5c/6a, 35 m
Antenor: 6a, 37 m
Cuba Libre: 6b+, 37 m
Mary per Sempre: 6a+, 37 m
Barbakan: 6b+, 35 m
Grazianeddu: 6b+, 32 m
Highlander: 6c+, 30 m
Settore “Peones”:
Giochi Liquidi: 6c, 25 m
The Fly: 6b, 22 m
El Botero: 7a+, 25 m

Rimasco – Falesia “G. Filisetti”

Spit riveting, bott belay and steel cables. Fun climbs and technique on crimps; ideal period is from April until November.
Once reached Rimasco, take the road for Carcoforo; after approximately 500 metres you will arrive to a large square: from here, on the left the "Filisetti" paths begin.
Filisetti guide:
Truppe d’Appalto: 5b, 25 m
Ciao Rosa Sono Nero: 5c, 25 m
Confusione a Freddo: 6a+, 25 m
Tetto Tira Su: 6b, AO, 25 m
La Panza: 6c, 15 m
Ludus Magnus: 5c, 15 m
Avanti e Diedro : 7a, 20 m
Toni Tira He He : 6b+, 20 m
Born in U.S.L.: 7ab, 20 m