Il 12 Aprile avrà inizio la stagione numero 47! la segreteria è già operativa per tutte le informazioni e prenotazioni!


Via Isola, 3 - 13020 VOCCA (VC)
Tel: 0163.560.957 / 348.00.53.978


SESIA RAFTING est basée dans le Piémont, au cœur de la Valsesia, une splendide vallée qui prend naissance au pied du Monte Rosa et qui se situe dans l'Arc Alpin entre la Lombardie et le Vallé d'Aoste.
Il se trouve à un peu plus d'une heure de route de Milan, Turin et Gênes et est facilement accessible depuis les principales villes de Lombardie, Piémont, Emilia Romagna et Liguria
La base nautique est située à VOCCA, un petit village à 7 km de Varallo Sesia et sur la route nationale d'Alagna, un centre bien connu pour le ski alpin.

Distance Vocca island and the main cities:

  • Milano 110km
  • Torino 120km
  • Genova 192Km
  • Bologna 320Km

En bus:

Tout les jour il ya des busses qui connect la Valsesia avec Milan, Turin, Novara, Vercelli
Pour toutes les informationes: Autolinee Baranzelli (de Milano)

En voiture:

- Milano-Laghi (A8)
Convenient for those coming from areas of Varese and Como and for those coming from the north of Milan. Take the Milano-Laghi and follow the signs for GENOVA. Sesia Romagnano to leave and head for VARALLO. 7km attention after the cross Vocca attention... and you're there!

- Milan-Torino (A4)
From Milan, take the A4 towards Turin.
Stay on the A4 up grafted with the A26 Genoa-Gravellona Toce, found shortly after the release of Biandrate. Take the junction with the A26 towards Gravellona Toce and exit the first exit, Romagnano Sesia. From Romagnano Sesia, take the state for Alagna Valsesia and start up the valley along the river, after passing the countries of Borgosesia and Varallo... 7km attention after this you're here!!

From Turin, take the A4 to Milan and, after leaving raw, take the A26 towards Gravellona T. Exit at the first exit Romagnano-Ghemme. From Romagnano Sesia, take the state for Alagna Valsesia and begin to climb the valley along the river, you will pass the villages of Borgosesia and Varallo .... 7km attention after the cross Vocca attention ... and you're there!

For those coming from Liguria and Piedmont Bass then the Genoa-Gravellona Toce (A26) and exit at Romagnano-Ghemme. From Romagnano S., continue on State Alagna Valsesia. Once in Varallo not go out and continue for another 7km. Once in Vocca, cross country and after the last case on the left you will find directions to enter the center. Welcome!