Il 12 Aprile avrà inizio la stagione numero 47! la segreteria è già operativa per tutte le informazioni e prenotazioni!

History of Sesia rafting

In June 1978 a nomadic and rebellious spirit pushed us away from Milan, to look for rivers where to teach canoeing and create pleasant, healthy and intense situations. European canoeists knew almost all of them and completed the exploration of the virgin streams of the Alps in those years. Since then we have learned a lot about people and things, about the human body in motion and how difficult and interesting it is to develop their own ability by facing the natural obstacles of the river and by forcing our innermost limits ... "
Emanuele and Maurizio Bernasconi

With this philosophy, I grew up and I became passionate about river activities and more generally to life in the open air, making the river and its environment not only my job but my life.
Monica Bernasconi

Our sports association was born with the same spirit and its main objective is to continue promoting river activities in the most natural way possible, respecting the fragile balance between nature and adventure research.

Sesia Rafting… run with your emotions!