La stagione inizierà il 13 Aprile! Chiama subito il 348.0053978 e scopri le offerte dedicate al primo weekend

Security in the water!

This page was created with the intent to explain our concept of quality in the performance of river activities proposed.

Our center is affiliated to F.I.Raft.
The Italian Rafting Federation (FIRaft) operates since 1987 to make the sport of rafting usable in complete safety from every type of user. For this is recognized by F.I.C.K. (Italian Canoe and Kayak Federation) and by CONI (Italian Olympic Committee) and is the only Italian organization that provides assessment, training and the award of qualifications and patents for Teachers Guide and rafting.

Professionalism of the guides

To be a F.I.Raft Drivers means to be constantly updated and tested about physical preparation, skills and professionalism in relating and interacting with the public, pressure resistance, ability to act and react under stress and to intervene with knowledge of first aid.

How many guides?

Even the best of the guides is not a "super hero" and therefore it's essential that in the river there are always at least two guides in order to help and eventually manage the emergency situations.

Contact with the Headquarter

All our guides are equipped with an underwater telephone to be always in contact with the base and to be able to intervene promptly in case of need.


All our nautical material is in good condition, undamaged and CE approved.
Depending on the task selection and on the temperature, will be distributed suitable materials and of different thickness. For each use all the material is disinfected in order to guarantee the hygiene.


Our Centre is assured with adequate Liability and Accidents insurance policies, that far exceed the minimum insurance required by CONI.


Our center was founded in 1978. Our team of Italian guides, who have been working here for past several years, is synonymous with harmony and respect for our business and passion.


The office, located in a strategic point of the valley and directly overlooking the river, allows us to minimize the transfers to reach the river.
Spaces and large property allow us to offer our members the appropriate place for the sport and for the enjoyment of the whole day outside the city with friends and family.
The front office is open for all day long, and this is synonymous with professionalism and ensures coordination and punctuality in carrying out activities.

From what written it will be clear that to ensure the necessary standards of safety and professionalism has got a inevitable cost : we invite you to consider carefully any promotions which diverges considerably the offer market average.