Il 12 Aprile avrà inizio la stagione numero 47! la segreteria è già operativa per tutte le informazioni e prenotazioni!
Corso di canoa avanzato e perfezionamento presso Sesia Rafting in Piemonte
Sesia rafting asd corso kayak per livelli avanzati
Sesia rafting asd corso di kayak per club organizzato sul Sesia

third level course

What we offer:

a course to hone technique, style and canoeists become fully autonomous.
The school provides all the equipment necessary (kayak, paddle, splash guards, neoprene suit, neoprene shoes, water jacket, helmet and buoyancy aid). The students will spend the night at our campsite for the duration of the course.

Who should attend:

suitable for paddlers with discrete technical skills in the rivers of the third level III


a course that involves the use of a canoe boat in current, alternating tests acquatic and theoretical moments.

What to bring:

swimsuit, knitted wool or fleece, wool socks and everything needed for the shower.


3/4 hours a day for 5 days or 2 days


week (from MON to FRI) 280 €
weekend (SAT and SUN) 115 €
You can have a discount if you have your own equpment.

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