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Baby Rafting: Attività per i piccoli del Sesia Rafting
Baby Rafting
Con Sesia Rafting prime pagaiate per i cuccioli del Baby rafting

Baby rafting activity

What we offer:

It is the first approach to the river environment. More than a real descent, is a funny moment in a quiet river tract, close to our base camp in Vocca, where children learn about the river and about river sports in a safe and funny way, with the support of an experienced guide, while you can take part in excursions with other adults. At the end of the activity, the guide helps the little ones to take the shower and he gives them a snack while they will wait for your return.
The school provides all the equipment you need (neoprene wetsuit, water jacket, helmet and buoyancy aid).

Who should attend:

suitable for children from 6 to 12 years.


an expert guide takes care of your little ones to teach them the first approach the river environment and entertain them till your return.

What to bring:

swimsuit, running shoes to get wet, technical T-shirt, wool socks and everything needed for the shower.


2 hours


Euro 35 per person, included snack

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